Become a Member

Become a Member

Thinking Autism Membership Benefits

Thinking Autism is a membership society. Our work is done by parents and family members of children with autism, as well as adults with autism. Although non-members can access most of the services and support we provide, our members receive many additional benefits, including reduced conference and event fees, special discount offers from trusted businesses and access to online eventssuch as our Face2Face Facebook live events featuring professionals and parents sharing information, Zoom social events, and our members-only Facebook group. Membership fee is only £15 per year.

Members also bring benefit to our charity by contributing their feedback about our work, as well as sharing campaigns that help change the political and social landscape that affect our loved ones with autism. Members can also contribute to the work of our charity by volunteering in various roles.

As a member, you help steer the direction of our work.

Our members include parents, carers and family members of people with ASD; carers, dieticians, nurses, teachers, speech and language therapists and other professionals; and adults with autism who use various treatments, including biomedical approaches, to improve their functioning, quality of life and learning.

If you, your child, or your client is affected by autism and you are interested in better understanding the comorbidities commonly associated with autism and possible effective treatments that can improve quality of life, please consider joining us. By standing together we can make the biggest difference for people with autism.

Become a Member now

Membership not for you but you’d still like to support Thinking Autism? Consider becoming a Friend of Thinking Autism. Read about TA Friendship here.

We’ve benefitted greatly from the discounts on supplements, so thank you for that. …Hearing conference speakers and meeting other parents who believe they can help their kids, instead of just “accepting” has been so empowering!

I’ve used some of your Co-morbidities literature with NHS professionals. Our new doctor has has been very supportive. The Facebook site has been great. Getting links to the articles you post is really superb. It’s fabulous to read about all the research findings from around the world, and keeps me going on this path.”
(feedback from a parent)